Science & Cabbage
We love science here! Who doesn't love to mix up some vinegar and baking soda and make things "explode" or better yet - create our own non-newtonian (big word but it means that it breaks Newton's laws) fluid out of cornstarch and water!
Another common experiment is the red cabbage pH indicator! This one is a lifesaver - the last time I had a migraine - I plopped down at the counter and dripped red cabbage juice into containers of liquids that the kids brought me - I was truly super-mom (for 20 minutes) while I sat and nursed my aching head and the kids oooh-ed and awww-ed over the different colors that their random liquids turned :-) They brought me orange juice, shampoo, cleaner, and grape juice that was squeezed from whole grapes! Everything changed colors and they were impressed each time - it was a win for the red cabbage!
Today we are doing it again but this time a bit more controlled. The challenge is for the kids to each find something that has each of the pH levels as indicated by the red cabbage juice.
So - first - what is red cabbage juice?- Acid
- Base
- pH