
Showing posts with the label science

Wind Power for Kids

 My little guy is studying renewable energies in school so I put this little bit of a lesson together - partly so that he learns more about what inspires him and partly because I wanted to make a windmill :-) Enjoy! Wind Power is energy that is made directly from the wind. The wind turns a windmill:  which then turns something that needs to be turned - like a flour mill (grinding the flour): Or pumping water: But the windmills that are corporate windmills that we see today are called wind turbines. They are set up as "wind farms" that use the wind to "farm" or create energy.  Meet the wind turbines! These mighty machines stand over 300 feet tall with blades that are over 100 feet long! How big is that? Well the towers are are as tall as the statue of liberty and the blades as long as well - this fire truck ladder! The gist of how a turbine works is that is works the reverse of a fan; instead of the blades pushing the air like in a fan - the blades are pushed by wind

Science & Cabbage

 We love science here! Who doesn't love to mix up some vinegar and baking soda and make things "explode" or better yet - create our own non-newtonian (big word but it means that it breaks Newton's laws) fluid out of cornstarch and water! Another common experiment is the red cabbage pH indicator! This one is a lifesaver - the last time I had a migraine - I plopped down at the counter and dripped red cabbage juice into containers of liquids that the kids brought me - I was truly super-mom (for 20 minutes) while I sat and nursed my aching head and the kids oooh-ed and awww-ed over the different colors that their random liquids turned :-) They brought me orange juice, shampoo, cleaner, and grape juice that was squeezed from whole grapes! Everything changed colors and they were impressed each time - it was a win for the red cabbage! Today we are doing it again but this time a bit more controlled. The challenge is for the kids to each find something that has each of the pH